Hyper Active
- You must zone after completing the previous quest to activate this one.
- Raibaht gives you a Molybdenum Box in which to smuggle the Hyper Altimeter through Jeuno customs once the adventurer reveals its location to you.
- Head to Delkfutt's Tower in Qufim and use the Delkfutt Key (obtained from Mission 3-3) to open the door to the basement inside level 1 at (E-8).
- Proceed downstairs to basement and head to (I-6), where the passage dead-ends into a cermet door.
- Upon attempting to open the door, a message will be displayed, "A bloodthirsty monster has appeared!". The monster Orna, and two Fomorian Spear will spawn.
- Upon defeating Orna, the two Fomorian Spears will despawn.
- Attempt to open the door again and watch a cutscene with the adventurer that was sent to kill Orna. He tells you that he hid the Hyper Altimeter in one of the streetlamps in Lower Jeuno.
- Head to Lower Jeuno and search the streetlamps until you find the Hyper Altimeter, which you put into the Molybdenum Box.
- Head back to Bastok and talk to Raibaht to complete the quest.
- You do not need to clear customs in the Bastok-Jeuno Airship terminal. You may use the Home Point to return to the Metalworks.
Game Description[edit]
- Client
- Raibaht (Cid's Lab, Metalworks)
- Summary
- The adventurer hired to bring Cid a hyper altimeter has been arrested and ordered to kill a monster named Orna in Delkfutt's Tower. Find the man and obtain the equipment.
This article uses material from the "Hyper_Active" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.