Waking the Colossus

Start NPC Naja Salaheem - Aht Urhgan Whitegate (I-10)
Requirements Aht Urhgan Mission 48: Eternal Mercenary
Items Needed Plumbago x3
Key ItemImperial Missive
Key ItemBastokan approval letter
Key ItemSan d'Orian approval letter
Key ItemWindurstian approval letter
Key ItemJeunoan approval letter
Key ItemPresent for Megomak
Key ItemMegomak's Shopping List
Key ItemLightning Cell
Key ItemWhisper of radiance
Title Granted Heir of the Blessed Radiance
Repeatable No (see note below about repeating the battle)
Reward Imperial Gold Piece
Choice of one of the following:
Alexander (Avatar for SMN 75+)
Colossus's Earring
Colossus's Torque
Colossus's Mantle
10,000 gil
← Previous Quest Next Quest →
Aht Urhgan Mission 48: Eternal Mercenary Divine Interference
Replay Cutscenes
Waking the Colossus(pt.1-2) Tsih Kolgimih Aht Urhgan Whitegate (E-8)
Waking the Colossus(pt.1) Archanne Ru'Lude Gardens (G-9)
Waking the Colossus Taulluque Metalworks (I-9)
Waking the Colossus(pt.1 or 2) Mashua Heavens Tower
Waking the Colossus(pt.1 or 2) Chaloutte Chateau d'Oraguille (I-9)
Waking the Colossus(pt.2) Archanne Ru'Lude Gardens (G-9)
Waking the Colossus(pt.3) Tsih Kolgimih Aht Urhgan Whitegate (E-8)
Waking the Colossus(pt.1-2, 3 optional) Goblin Footprint Mount Zhayolm (M-7)
Waking the Colossus(pt.1-2) Goblin Footprint Alzadaal Undersea Ruins (G-9)
Waking the Colossus(pt.4-5) Tsih Kolgimih Aht Urhgan Whitegate (E-8)


The quest will not show up in your quest log until after you complete the cutscene at the Imperial Whitegate door.

Side note[edit]

  • It is possible to complete this quest with members who are on the Divine Interference quest that follows.


Battling Alexander Again[edit]

Friends To Help You[edit]

If you want someone to help you with this fight they MUST have the key item(s) as well to enter; doing so without it will result in you going in without them, and the loss of your key item(s).


File:FFXI Alexander Fight (Waking the Colossus)

Game Description[edit]

Nashmeira (Throne Room, Imperial Ward)
Curious readings from the chamber where the iron colossus sleeps have Imperial researchers ill at ease. At Her Majesty's behest, seek the support of the four nations for a plan to repair the colossus and free the Empire from its shadow once and for all.
This article uses material from the "Waking_the_Colossus" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.