Vorpal Blade

Sword weapon skill
Skill Level: 200 (Paladins, Blue Mages, Warriors, Dark Knights, Red Mages and Rune Fencers only)
Description: Delivers a four-hit attack. Chance of critical varies with TP.
Equipment: Aligned with soil equipment (Soil Gorget & Soil Belt).
Aligned with thunder equipment (Thunder Gorget & Thunder Belt).


Element: None
Modifiers: STR:60%
Damage Multipliers by TP:
1000 TP 2000 TP 3000 TP
1.00 1.00 1.00

Critical Hit Rate by TP:

1000 TP 2000 TP 3000 TP
??%Verification Needed ??%Verification Needed ??%Verification Needed

Skillchain Properties

Scission-Icon.gifScission (A)
Level 3 Skillchains
Level 2 Skillchains
Invisible-square.gifLight-square.gif Transfixion Invisible-square.gifEarth-square.gif Scission = Water-square.gifIce-square.gif Distortion
Level 1 Skillchains
Earth-square.gif Scission Fire-square.gif Liquefaction = Fire-square.gif Liquefaction
Earth-square.gif Scission Wind-square.gif Detonation = Wind-square.gif Detonation
Fire-square.gif Liquefaction Earth-square.gif Scission = Earth-square.gif Scission
Wind-square.gif Detonation Earth-square.gif Scission = Earth-square.gif Scission
Earth-square.gif Scission Water-square.gif Reverberation = Water-square.gif Reverberation
Impaction-Icon.gifImpaction (B)
Level 3 Skillchains
Level 2 Skillchains
Invisible-square.gifFire-square.gif Liquefaction Invisible-square.gifLightning-square.gif Impaction = Light-square.gifFire-square.gif Fusion
Level 1 Skillchains
Lightning-square.gif Impaction Fire-square.gif Liquefaction = Fire-square.gif Liquefaction
Water-square.gif Reverberation Lightning-square.gif Impaction = Lightning-square.gif Impaction
Lightning-square.gif Impaction Wind-square.gif Detonation = Wind-square.gif Detonation


Job Rating Level
Paladin A+ 60
Blue Mage A+ 60
Rune Fencer A- 60
Warrior B 62
Red Mage B 62
Dark Knight B- 62
Corsair B- 62
Samurai C+ 64
Ninja C 65
Dragoon C- 65
Bard C- 65
Thief D 70
Ranger D 70
Dancer D 70
Beastmaster E 75
This article uses material from the "Vorpal_Blade" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.