(Redirected from Maneuver)Introduction[edit]
Maneuvers are a set of switchboard-like signals used by Puppetmasters to exert greater control over the abilities of their Automatons. There are 8 different maneuvers corresponding to the 8 elements of Vana'diel and each enhances both the stats of the automaton and any attachments that share that element.
How They Work[edit]An Animator, Turbo Animator, Animator +1, Deluxe Animator, Alternator, Magneto, Divinator, or Forefront Animator must be equipped to use maneuvers. Maneuver commands can be found under the Pet Commands sub-category of the Abilities menu. Maneuvers share a 10 second recast timer and up to three (3) elemental maneuvers may be active at the same time. Once 3 maneuvers are active you do not need to wait for a maneuver to wear off before using a new maneuver. Instead the new maneuver will replace the first of the 3 active maneuvers already in place. Therefore a Puppetmaster may have a constant cycle of maneuvers in place that are updated every 10 seconds. However, using too many maneuvers of the same element in close succession may cause an Overload. |
Maneuver Duration[edit]
As of the March 2015 update, maneuvers no longer have a static 1 minute duration. Here are the changes taken directly from the patch notes:
- The effect duration of maneuvers now increases based on the amount of time elapsed since using Deploy.
- This effect is removed whenever the automaton is knocked out or deactivated, or when the player changes areas.
- The effect is maintained even if combat ends, whether by vanquishing monsters, retrieving the automaton, or other such means.
Take note that the duration only increases while your automaton is Deployed (engaging the enemy). It is not simply a factor of how long your automaton has be activated.
Keeping Track of Maneuvers[edit]
In game, when a maneuver is used, an associated icon will appear in the status bar. Each subsequent maneuver, after the first, will shift the previous maneuver's icon to the right until three maneuver icons are active. Therefore the use of a 4th maneuver will remove the maneuver icon furthest to the right and the newest maneuver icon will appear on the left.
What They Do[edit]
At their simplest each maneuver will grant a boost to the Automaton's stat associated with that element; e.g. each active Water maneuver will grant a bonus to the Automaton's MND stat. Having multiple of the same maneuver active will double or triple the stat boost gained to a maximum of +24 at level 90 using Puppetry Dastanas. The potency of the bonus is dependent on the level of the Puppetmaster, and thereby scales when the Puppetmaster is under a level cap or set as a support job. Further testing is required as to the exact value granted at any given level range; however, it appears the bonus increases by one every 15 levels to a max of +7 at level 90. Puppetry Dastanas gives an additional +1 boost to Automaton's associated stat per maneuver; e.g. Wind maneuver will grant up to +8 AGI at 90, instead of +7. However, the main use for maneuvers is to activate or enhance the effects of the Automaton's attachments. For example, the Shock Absorber attachment provides no basic bonus. Instead the use of an Earth maneuver may activate a Stoneskin effect. Conversely, the Tension Spring attachment gives a flat 5% Attack Bonus. However, the use of Fire maneuvers will increase this bonus. More details of the effects of maneuvers can be found on the pages for individual attachments. Using maneuvers increase the potency of most attachments. |