


(Throwing) All Races
DMG: 9 Delay: 168
Lv. 14 WAR / RDM / THF / DRK / NIN / COR

Damage Per Second: 3.21
TP Per Hit: 49

Stackable: 99

Other Uses[edit]

Guild Points Value: None

Resale Price: ???~??? gil

Synthesis Recipes[edit]

Clothcraft (35/46), Goldsmithing (Information Needed)
Yield: Hawkeye x 8
HQ 1: Hawkeye x 12
HQ 2: Hawkeye x 16
HQ 3: Hawkeye x 20
Wind Crystal

Used in Recipes[edit]

  • None

Desynthesis Recipes[edit]


Obtained from Desynthesis[edit]

  • None

How to Obtain[edit]

Auction House Category: Weapons > Ammo & Misc. > Ammunition ( )


Price: 55 - 62 gil
Name Location Type
Tevigogo Western Adoulin (D-9) Standard Merchant
Chayaya Al Zahbi (J-8) Standard Merchant
Leyla Port Jeuno (H-8) Standard Merchant
Khifo Ryuhkowa Kazham (H-9) Standard Merchant
Taniko-Maniko Port Windurst (H-9) Standard Merchant
Mono Nchaa Windurst Woods (H-13) Standard Merchant
This article uses material from the "Hawkeye" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.