Gate of Tartarus

Staff weapon skill
Skill Level: N/A
Description: Lowers target's attack. Additional effect: Refresh
Equipment: Aligned with aqua equipment (Aqua Gorget & Aqua Belt).
Aligned with snow equipment (Snow Gorget & Snow Belt).


Element: None
Modifiers: INT:80%
Damage Multipliers by TP:
1000 TP 2000 TP 3000 TP
3.00 3.00 3.00

Skillchain Properties

Dark-Icon.gifDarkness (A)
Level 3 Skillchains
Dark-square.gifEarth-square.gifWater-square.gifIce-square.gif Darkness Dark-square.gifEarth-square.gifWater-square.gifIce-square.gif Darkness = Dark-square.gifEarth-square.gifWater-square.gifIce-square.gif Darkness
Level 2 Skillchains
Level 1 Skillchains
Distortion-Icon.gifDistortion (B)
Level 3 Skillchains
Dark-square.gifEarth-square.gif Gravitation Water-square.gifIce-square.gif Distortion = Dark-square.gifEarth-square.gifWater-square.gifIce-square.gif Darkness
Water-square.gifIce-square.gif Distortion Dark-square.gifEarth-square.gif Gravitation = Dark-square.gifEarth-square.gifWater-square.gifIce-square.gif Darkness
Level 2 Skillchains
Water-square.gifIce-square.gif Distortion Light-square.gifFire-square.gif Fusion = Light-square.gifFire-square.gif Fusion
Lightning-square.gifWind-square.gif Fragmentation Water-square.gifIce-square.gif Distortion = Water-square.gifIce-square.gif Distortion
Level 1 Skillchains


File:FFXI Relic Staff - Claustrum - Gate of Tartarus

Historical Background[edit]

According to Greek mythology, Tartarus was the deeper of the two regions of the underworld, far below the surface of the Earth, beneath Hades itself. A place of punishment and suffering, its gates were guarded by Hecatonchires They had one hundred hands and fifty heads, and their strength surpassed that of all the Titans. There were three Hecatonchires, Briareus, Cottus, and Gyges

This article uses material from the "Gate_of_Tartarus" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.