During the Crystal War, these demonic dragonlike creatures were occasionally seen flying high over the Northlands. Such high-flying creatures may have seemed innocent enough, but for the unwary adventurer, getting too close to one meant almost certain death unless traveling with a number of companions.
Family Information
Special Attacks[edit]
Special Abilities | Wings of the Goddess Areas | |||
Storm Wing: - Cone damage and Silence. | ||||
Bloody Beak: - AoE magic-based Drain. | ||||
Reaving Wind: - AoE TP Reset and can put up a shield around the Amphiptere, which will constantly knock you away from it. | ||||
Tail Lash: - Backwards arc damage. Used when the Amphiptere's target is behind them. | ||||
Calamitous Wind: - AoE Wind magical damage plus knockback and full dispel. Only used by certain NMs. | ||||
Feral Peck: - Single target, heavy damage. Deals ~90% of target's maximum HP. Only used by certain NMs. | ||||
Warped Wail: - AoE damage plus max HP and MP down. Only used by certain NMs. | ||||
Note: Notorious Monsters in this family may only use certain of the above and/or additional unique special abilities depending on type. |
Notorious Monsters in Family[edit]
This article uses material from the "Category:Amphipteres" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.
Pages in category "Amphipteres"
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