Vegetable Vegetable Revolution
- Touch the locked door in the Inventors' Coalition for a cutscene with Amchuchu, who sends you after Midras in Sih Gates.
- Head to (K-8) in Sih Gates and touch the ??? for a cutscene with Midras and a
Memo from Midras.
- A Colonization Reive blocks the path at (I-8), so be ready.
- Head to Bastok Metalworks and talk with Cid to receive
Cid's catalyst.
- Hurry back to the ??? at (K-8) for a cutscene and a
Chunk of milky white minerals.
- The Colonization Reive at (I-8) respawns after 30 minutes, so if you take too long, you will have to clear the Knotted Roots again.
- Return to Amchuchu for your reward.
This article uses material from the "Vegetable_Vegetable_Revolution" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.