Mythril Gear Machine

Mythril Gear Machine


Mythril gear machine
Multiple mythril gears are used to
transfer power through this device.

Stackable: 12

Other Uses[edit]

Resale Price: 396~398 gil

Synthesis Recipes[edit]

Goldsmithing (44/55)
Yield: Mythril Gear Machine x 1
HQ 1: Mythril Gear Machine x 2
HQ 2: Mythril Gear Machine x 3
HQ 3: Mythril Gear Machine x 4
Fire Crystal
Key ItemClockmaking

Used in Recipes[edit]

Desynthesis Recipes[edit]


Obtained from Desynthesis[edit]

  • None

How to Obtain[edit]

Auction House Category: Materials > Goldsmithing ( )


Name Level Cap Zone
Making a Mockery Level 60, 30 minutes, 6 members Jade Sepulcher
Tough Nut to Crack Level 60, 30 minutes, 6 members Navukgo Execution Chamber
This article uses material from the "Mythril_Gear_Machine" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.