- Talk to Gumbah in Bastok Mines (J-7) who will give you the Sword of Trials and the Weapon Training Guide (key item).
- Use the Sword of Trials until the latent effect disappears.
- How to remove the latent effect:
- !!WARNING!! The weapon Skill Dimidiation does not currently(Dec. 30th 2015) count toward breaking the latent.
- You must perform Weapon Skills and Skillchains on monsters that con Easy Prey or higher.
- Weapon Skills performed while under Level Sync will count.
- You receive 1 point for opening/soloing a weaponskill, 2 points for closing a Lv.1 Skillchain, 3 points for closing a Lv.2 Skillchain and 5 points for closing a level 3 Skillchain.
- You must accumulate 300 total points.
- To check to see if the latent effect has disappeared, simply check your equipment menu. If the latent effects aren't there anymore, you are done (it is unnecessary to unequip and reequip the weapon).
- Once you no longer receive the latent effect bonus, head back to Bastok Mines and trade the Sword of Trials back to Gumbah, who will take the weapon from you and give you a Map to the Annals of Truth (key item) and tell you to head to Western Altepa Desert.
- Head to (E-9) and touch the ??? there to spawn the NM tiger named Maharaja.
- Once the NM is dead, re-examine the ??? to obtain the Annals of Truth (key item).
- Bring this back to Gumbah for your reward.
Game Description[edit]
- Client
- Gumbah (House, Bastok Mines)
- Summary
- Gumbah has received a letter from the Dark Knight, Zeid. This correspondence states that to prevent Werei's technique from fading into oblivion, we are to train with a certain sword the great warrior left behind.
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