Curing Waltz


  • Heals HP of target player.
  • Obtained: Dancer Level 15
  • TP Required: 20%
  • Recast Time: 00:06


  • Cures ~69-94~ HP.
  • Formula (for DNC):
Amount Healed = floor(((Target's VIT + Caster's CHR)*0.250 + 60),1)
  • Formula (for /DNC):
Amount Healed = floor(((Target's VIT + Caster's CHR)*0.125 + 60),1)

Macro Syntax[edit]

  • /ja "Curing Waltz" <stpc>
This article uses material from the "Curing_Waltz" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.