A Geological Survey
Recommended: Level 6+ or a source of Invisible (Status Effect).
- Talk to a Bastok Gate Guard to receive the mission.
- Talk to Cid (H-8) in Metalworks, inside Cid's Lab. He will give you
Blue Acidity Tester.
- Go to Dangruf Wadi.
- Dangruf Wadi can be reached from South Gustaberg at (D-9).
- Stand on top of the geyser located at (I-8) until it propels you to the ledge above.
- There are Goblins in the geyser area. They are level 5-8 and will sight-Aggro to players under level 17 unless they are Invisible. You can purchase Circumspection from the Grounds Tome by the entrance for 5 tabs.
- WARNING! There are lv 80 goblins in the area beyond the Geyser! Circumspection from the Grounds Tome by the entrance is strongly recommended.
- Check your key items to make sure the
Blue Acidity Tester has changed to a
Red Acidity Tester.
- Return to Cid to complete the mission.
Game Description
- Mission Orders
- Assist Chief Engineer Cid in conducting an analysis of the gaseous emissions in the Dangruf Wadi. Meet with Cid for a more detailed explanation.
This article uses material from the "A_Geological_Survey" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.