
Casts various Dark knight only spells upto Dread spikes, the Shadowfang voids arn't technically with him either. So I'd have to say he's a Drk, will wait to see if he does use Astral flow at some point thought. (--Enimachia 10:09, 7 December 2007 (UTC))

Have never seen him use Astral Flow. I believe he just commands the Elementals as opposed to actually being a Summoner.

Now, I did find something interesting today about him. I cast Dispel on him and took off...Reraise. Yep. I can provide a screenshot as proof, but I am wondering how the heck he managed to get that. He must have some sort of ability or additional effect that lets him absorb one buff from a player. I am pretty sure it would be the Demon JA Soul Drain - it makes sense that it would drain HP and one or more buffs. Could someone verify this or provide more info? -- Aequis 11:16, 12 April 2008 (UTC)

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