This guy links with the Witch Hazels around. I think we shall mention it.--Goldengreg 23:14, November 11, 2009 (UTC).
Hits a DC Doom Scorpion for 275-350, getting hit for 60-90 in return. Not BST-soloable. --Ctownwoody 06:49, November 26, 2009 (UTC)
- Looking at placement, and knowing that the new NMs are all immune to Sleep, Gravity and Bind (aka RDM-proofed), this's pop spot seems like one to drag to the zone line with 1-2 BLMs and some BSTs to hold at the zone line and nuke-zone.
We tried killing Abatwa with SMNs, and found out that Diabolos seems highly resistant, possibly immune, to Slumber Powder. Made it much easier to kill since hate didn't seem to reset. --SirItsuki 20:57, January 2, 2010 (UTC)
Diabolos is immune to sleep in general :P --Taruzard 00:28, March 24, 2010 (UTC)
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