Tachi: Enpi

Great Katana weapon skill
Skill Level: 5
Description: Delivers a two-hit attack. Damage varies with TP.
Sneak Attack: Will stack with Sneak Attack.
Equipment: Aligned with light equipment (Light Gorget & Light Belt).
Aligned with soil equipment (Soil Gorget & Soil Belt).


Element: None
Modifiers: STR:60%
Damage Multipliers by TP:
1000 TP 2000 TP 3000 TP
1.00 1.50 2.00

Skillchain Properties

Transfixion-Icon.gifTransfixion (A)
Level 3 Skillchains
Level 2 Skillchains
Invisible-square.gifLight-square.gif Transfixion Invisible-square.gifEarth-square.gif Scission = Water-square.gifIce-square.gif Distortion
Level 1 Skillchains
Light-square.gif Transfixion Water-square.gif Reverberation = Water-square.gif Reverberation
Light-square.gif Transfixion Dark-square.gif Compression = Dark-square.gif Compression
Dark-square.gif Compression Light-square.gif Transfixion = Light-square.gif Transfixion
Scission-Icon.gifScission (B)
Level 3 Skillchains
Level 2 Skillchains
Invisible-square.gifLight-square.gif Transfixion Invisible-square.gifEarth-square.gif Scission = Water-square.gifIce-square.gif Distortion
Level 1 Skillchains
Earth-square.gif Scission Fire-square.gif Liquefaction = Fire-square.gif Liquefaction
Earth-square.gif Scission Wind-square.gif Detonation = Wind-square.gif Detonation
Fire-square.gif Liquefaction Earth-square.gif Scission = Earth-square.gif Scission
Wind-square.gif Detonation Earth-square.gif Scission = Earth-square.gif Scission
Earth-square.gif Scission Water-square.gif Reverberation = Water-square.gif Reverberation


All of the Great Katana weaponskills start with 'Tachi:', which directly translated means 'katana', but also refers to the art of wielding a katana. Tachi styled weapons were usually longer and more curved than standard katana and uchi-gatana. They were also more choice of the higher classes in the feudal times (such as the 'bushi'-warrior class where Samurai were counted, and those who would become the ruling classes). In weapon etiquette, tachi were always worn/hung from the obi, with the edge down (holding it upward would leave it considered a normal katana). In the original Japanese, each of the weaponskill's official names start with a numeric (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc). In the English version, they are shortened to just 'Tachi'. This loosely translates it to '# style of the tachi:' or 'weapon/sword form:', which is followed by the 'kata' (form). The forms are named after various styles of martial arts, including karate and sword arts.

The original Japanese for this weaponskill is: 壱太刀・燕飛 (Ichi no Tachi: Enpi)

It translates to: "First Style of the Tachi: 'The Swallow's Flight'".

Enpi comes from Tomari-te (a martial arts style from Okinawa). There are several theories of the name's origin. One of the more commonly accepted theories is that a Sappushi Wang Ji, an official from Xiuning, transmitted the kata while serving on Okinawa. Wang Ji had the habit of throwing and jumping on his adversaries, and because of this combat dynamic, it resembled a swallow in flight.


  • Great Katana skill level 5 is obtainable by the following jobs at these corresponding levels:
Job Rating Level
Samurai A+ 1
Ninja C- 1
This article uses material from the "Tachi:_Enpi" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.