PSC Wildcat Badge

Key item psc wildcat badge.jpg
PSC Wildcat Badge
A bronze Private Second Class
mercenary badge from "Salaheem's
Sentinels." A scintillant moat carp
is emblazoned in its center.
Used In Mission:
This badge indicates that your Mercenary Rank is Private Second Class.

Assault Missions[edit]

This rank grants access to the following assaults.

Name Assault Area Recommended Level Party Size Points Objective Description
Leujaoam Cleansing Leujaoam Sanctum 50 3-6 1000 Remove all threats General Afkaam is to inspect Leujaoam Sanctum. Destroy all creatures in the area that may pose a threat to the general.
Imperial Agent Rescue Mamool Ja Training Grounds 60 3-6 1100 Rescue the agent An agent sent to spy on the secret training grounds of the Mamool Ja has been captured. Rescue him before he is interrogated for Imperial secrets.
Excavation Duty Lebros Cavern 50 3-6 1100 Remove the obstructions The Imperial Army plans to traverse Lebros Cavern as part of their attack on Halvung, however the tunnels are blocked with rocks. You must remove the obstructions.
Seagull Grounded Periqia 70 3-6 1100 Escort the prisoner The Immortals have captured a member of the Seagull Phratrie, a rebel organization. You are to escort the prisoner safely to a holding area.
Golden Salvage Ilrusi Atoll 60 3-6 1100 Recover the figurehead Rumor has it that the golden figurehead from the Black Coffin, the ship of Luzaf the pirate, can be found somewhere within Ilrusi Atoll.
This article uses material from the "PSC_Wildcat_Badge" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.