Foul Waters
- Deals water damage to enemies in a fan-shaped area originating from caster. Additional effect: Drown.
Description[edit]Spell cost: 76 MP Timers[edit]Casting Time: Recast Time:
Notes[edit]Grants Job Trait Resist Silence when equipped. Skillchain/Magic Burst Info[edit]How to Obtain[edit]Acuex Acquired From[edit]Flatus Acuex Located in the Cirdas Caverns (H-3)/(I-3) Decent camp located literally right next to the Augural Conveyor. Umbrils spawn and roam nearby so pulling and camping near the conveyor is recommended for solo players. |
This article uses material from the "Foul_Waters" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.