Demon Skull

Demon Skull


Demon skull
This demon skull contains
traces of metal.

Stackable: Not Stackable

Other Uses[edit]

Resale Price: 3,562~3,651 gil

Synthesis Recipes[edit]


Used in Recipes[edit]

Desynthesis Recipes[edit]


Obtained from Desynthesis[edit]

How to Obtain[edit]

Auction House Category: Materials > Bonecraft ( )

Dropped From[edit]

Name Level Zone
Baronet Romwe (NM) 68 Castle Zvahl Keep
Baron Vapula (NM) 68 Castle Zvahl Keep
Count Bifrons (NM) 68 Castle Zvahl Keep
Viscount Morax (NM) 68 Castle Zvahl Keep
Dread Demon 71-73 Castle Zvahl Baileys
73-76 Uleguerand Range
Gore Demon 71-73 Castle Zvahl Baileys
73-76 Uleguerand Range
Judicator Demon 71-73 Castle Zvahl Baileys
73-76 Uleguerand Range
Stygian Demon 71-73 Castle Zvahl Baileys
73-76 Uleguerand Range
Marquis Allocen (NM) 76 Castle Zvahl Baileys
Duke Haborym (NM) 76 Castle Zvahl Baileys
Marquis Amon (NM) 76 Castle Zvahl Baileys
Grand Duke Batym (NM) 76 Castle Zvahl Baileys
Kindred Dark Knight 79-83 Uleguerand Range
Kindred Summoner 79-83 Uleguerand Range
Kindred Black Mage 79-83 Uleguerand Range
Kindred Warrior 79-83 Uleguerand Range
Demon Befouler 80-81 Xarcabard (S)
Demon Justiciar 80-81 Xarcabard (S)
Demon Magus 80-81 Xarcabard (S)
Demon Warrior 80-81 Xarcabard (S)
Adjudicator Demon 82 Xarcabard (S)
Berserker Demon 82 Xarcabard (S)
Eclipse Demon 82 Xarcabard (S)
Inferno Demon 82 Xarcabard (S)

Despoiled From[edit]

Name Level Zone
Demon Knight 40-52 Castle Zvahl Baileys
Dryptotaur 79 - 80 Beaucedine Glacier (S)
Teratotaur 57-59 Sacrarium


  • Found in final Armoury Crate if Motsognir was chamber boss.

Chocobo Digging[edit]

Zone Abundance
Tahrongi Canyon Rare
Bibiki Bay Very Rare
Buburimu Peninsula Very Rare
Sauromugue Champaign Very Rare
Valkurm Dunes Very Rare
Western Altepa Desert Very Rare

Campaign Unions[edit]

Obtained randomly through lot in Campaign Unions
This article uses material from the "Demon_Skull" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.