Days of the Week
The basis of element-day theory is that there are 8 days in the Vana'diel week. Each corresponds to one of the 8 elements. This is different from the real world where there are only seven days per week.
Firesday --> Earthsday --> Watersday --> Windsday --> Iceday --> Lightningday --> Lightsday --> Darksday
A good mnemonic for remembering the order is: FEW WILL Die. Also if you sort the Summoning Magic list after obtaining all Prime Avatars, it will sort by the order of the days.
- Each day lasts for 24 game hours from 0:00 - 24:00 (57 minutes, 36 seconds Earth Time).
- There are 25 Vana'diel days per Earth day, 175 Vana'diel days per Earth week (according to above).
See Time See also Vana'diel Clock
Days and Spells[edit]
The days of the week have an influence on spell power. For instance, Lightsday occasionally increases light magic potency by 10% (Cure, Banish, etc) . Likewise, Darksday occasionally decreases Cure potency by 10%. All magic Astral Flow blood pacts are more powerful when used on the day corresponding to their element.
Element Weaknesses[edit]
Fire melts Ice |