Category:Ninja Tools
This Auction House category contains all the tools that are needed by Ninjas to use their Ninjutsu. |
This article uses material from the "Category:Ninja_Tools" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.
Pages in category "Ninja Tools"
The following 43 pages are in this category, out of 43 total.
- Toolbag (Cho)
- Toolbag (Hira)
- Toolbag (Ino)
- Toolbag (Jinko)
- Toolbag (Jusa)
- Toolbag (Kaben)
- Toolbag (Kabenro)
- Toolbag (Kagi)
- Toolbag (Kawa)
- Toolbag (Kodo)
- Toolbag (Maki)
- Toolbag (Mizu)
- Toolbag (Moku)
- Toolbag (Sai)
- Toolbag (Sanja)
- Toolbag (Shihei)
- Toolbag (Shika)
- Toolbag (Shino)
- Toolbag (Soshi)
- Toolbag (Tsura)
- Toolbag (Uchi)
- Tsurara