Unbridled Passion
- Talk to Perih Vashai Windurst Woods (K-7) to continue the search for the sinner.
- If you just completed Fire and Brimstone you need to zone before you will be given this quest.
- You have to be ranger to start the quest, however you can talk to Koh Lenbalalako and fight the NM as any job.
- You are sent to Mhaura to find a mithra. Koh Lenbalalako is standing in the corner of the Smithing Guild in Mhaura (F-9) (speak to her twice to get cut scene) and tells you part of a story and wont tell the rest until you give her a Gold Earring.
- Obtain a Gold Earring and trade it to Koh Lenbalalako for her to finish her story about the sinner and Xarcabard. She will give you Koh's Letter (key item).
- If there are no Gold Earrings on sale at the AH you can obtain one by completing the Conquest RoE Mission in Xarcabard.
- Follow the sinner to Xarcabard and watch a cutscene as you zone in.
- The location of the cutscene changes depending on if you zoned in through Beaucedine Glacier or not.
- Go to the cave at (E-7) and examine the ??? for a cutscene after which the tiger will spawn.
- Kill Koenigstiger. The tiger Notorious Monster.
- After killing Koenigstiger, go to the cave at (E-8) (opposite side of the zone), examine the ??? and watch another cutscene.
- Re-examine the ??? at (E-8) again to get a reward of 99 Ice Arrows.
- Return to Windurst Woods and talk to Perih Vashai to complete the quest and receive your reward.
Game Description[edit]
- Client
- Perih Vashai (Vashai's residence, Windurst Woods)
- Summary
- Semih Lafihna has set out to find the truth. Track her down and help her in any way possible.
This article uses material from the "Unbridled_Passion" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.