Mission Name
The Enduring Tumult of War
Light of Vahzl
Continuing from this point onward will prevent Rhapsodies of Vana'diel mission progression until the Three Paths, unless already on Both Paths Taken or beyond.
- Optional: Talk to Despachiaire at (K-11) (top floor) for a cutscene.
- Optional: Talk to Chasalvige at (L-6) of Northern San d'Oria.
- Optional: Talk to Anoki at (H-6) of Port San d'Oria.
- Go to Port Bastok for a cutscene and to start the Chapter 5 - The Return Home. (You may teleport to Port Bastok from a Home Point.)
- If you go to Port Bastok without talking to Anoki, you will get an alternate cutscene, where Louverance expresses surprise over the speed at which "you adventurers" can move around. This alternate cutscene is not available at the Melody Minstrel.
- Talk to Cid for a cutscene at (H-8) of Metalworks, the second floor up.
- Enter Pso'Xja at (F-7) in Beaucedine Glacier for a cutscene.
- Follow the path forward, until you find a stone door. Check it, and the Golem named Nunyunuwi will spawn.
- Any job at around level 75, and even considerably lower, can defeat this with variable difficulty/speed. (see testimonials)
- This NM has approximately 3500 HP, though offset by a strong Auto Regen trait.
- Nunyunuwi only has to be defeated one time. It is not required to defeat every time one passes the door.
- After Nunyunuwi is defeated, check the Stone Door once more to move onward.
- Once through, proceed to the elevator and use it to go to the lower level.
- Level 50 (or below): It is advisable to cast Sneak or use a Silent Oil before heading down with the elevator.
- Do not cast magic while on the elevator. If your level is low enough, you will aggravate monsters in range on the way down.
- Sitting/Resting will effectively aggravate the monsters as well, regardless of the level of a character.
- When the elevator reaches the bottom, take the path/hallway that leads to another Stone Door.
- Check the Stone Door for a cutscene which will take you to Promyvion - Vahzl, where you will get another cutscene and start the next mission.
Game Description
- Mission Orders
- The airship piloted by Louverance did not arrive in San d'Oria, but Port Bastok. How much longer will Nag'molada wait for your arrival at the northwestern tower of Pso'Xja?