Nuevo Coselete

Nuevo Coselete


Nuevo coselete RareExclusive
[Body] All Races
DEF: 49 HP +20 STR +5 DEX +5 VIT +5
Lv. 75 WAR / PLD / DRK / SAM / DRG


  • This item is rewarded with a choice of two augmentations (see below).

Other Uses[edit]

Resale Price: Cannot be sold to NPCs.

Synthesis Recipes[edit]


Used in Recipes[edit]

  • None

Desynthesis Recipes[edit]


Obtained from Desynthesis[edit]

  • None

How to Obtain[edit]

Cannot be auctioned, traded, bazaared, or delivered.


Tenshodo Coffer[edit]

Key Mission
Key ItemPrismatic Key Ode of Life Bestowing


Upon obtaining this equipment, players will be provided with a list of Augments from which they may freely choose to supplement the armor's base attributes. Up to two different augments may be selected:

Accuracy+10 Attack+10 Ranged Accuracy+10 Ranged Attack+10
Evasion+10 Magic Accuracy+4 "Magic Attack Bonus"+4 "Double Attack" +2%
Critical Hit Rate +3% "Store TP"+4 "Subtle Blow"+4 Enmity+5 Enmity-5
"Fast Cast" effect +5% "Call Beast" ability delay -15 "Snapshot"+5% "Dual Wield" effect +3%
"Blood Pact" ability delay -4 Avatar perpetuation cost -2 "Quick Draw" ability delay -5
Pet: Accuracy+15, Ranged Accuracy+15 Pet: Attack+15
Ranged Attack+15
Pet: Magic Accuracy+7
"Magic Atk. Bonus"+7
Pet: "Double Attack" +2
Critical hit rate +2%
  • Augment bonuses to job abilities require access to the job ability to have any effect, they will not allow usage of the job ability.

Background Information[edit]

Elvaan male and Hume female equipped with the Nuevo Coselete

"The armor of choice for the Knights of the Proud Peacock, an elite regiment from Eastern San d'Oria in the bygone days when the Red Lion stood divided. Forged with care from Western steel by the finest smiths in the kingdom, the unconventional combination of plate and chainmail provides superior protection while limiting encumbrance. The shoulder pads are adorned with an ailette, a ceremonial shield serving to identify the allegiance of its wearer that was a necessity in the bloody era of civil war. The pearl-white cape bears an embroidered crest in the form of a strutting peacock."


"Nuevo Coselete" is Spanish for "New Corselet". A corselet is a suit of light half armor or three-quarter armor of the 16th century or later, also known as a cuirass.

Also worn by the "Knight" class in FFIII for the ds

This article uses material from the "Nuevo_Coselete" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.