Meanwhile, Back on Abyssea
- After defeating Shinryu, talk to Prishe for a cutscene.
- Return to Port Jeuno and speak to Joachim for another cutscene.
- After speaking with Joachim, head to the Hall of the Gods between 18:00-5:00 for another cutscene.
- Head back to Abyssea - Empyreal Paradox and speak to Prishe for the final cutscene and the Abyssite of the Cosmos.
Game Description[edit]
- Client
- Summary
- Although the destructive will of the Twilight God is no more, the horrendous destruction wrought upon the land cannot be undone overnight. Yet now seeds of hope have been planted within the hearts of men...the hope that glory days shall once more return to Abyssea.
This article uses material from the "Meanwhile,_Back_on_Abyssea" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.