Impulse Drive

Polearm weapon skill
Skill Level: 240
Quest: Methods Create Madness
Description: Delivers a two-hit attack. Damage varies with TP.
Sneak Attack: Will stack with Sneak Attack.
Equipment: Aligned with shadow equipment (Shadow Gorget & Shadow Belt).
Aligned with soil equipment (Soil Gorget & Soil Belt).
Aligned with snow equipment (Snow Gorget & Snow Belt).


Element: None
Modifiers: STR:100%
Damage Multipliers by TP:
1000 TP 2000 TP 3000 TP
1.00 1.50 2.50

Skillchain Properties

Gravitation-Icon.gifGravitation (A)
Level 3 Skillchains
Dark-square.gifEarth-square.gif Gravitation Water-square.gifIce-square.gif Distortion = Dark-square.gifEarth-square.gifWater-square.gifIce-square.gif Darkness
Water-square.gifIce-square.gif Distortion Dark-square.gifEarth-square.gif Gravitation = Dark-square.gifEarth-square.gifWater-square.gifIce-square.gif Darkness
Level 2 Skillchains
Dark-square.gifEarth-square.gif Gravitation Lightning-square.gifWind-square.gif Fragmentation = Lightning-square.gifWind-square.gif Fragmentation
Light-square.gifFire-square.gif Fusion Dark-square.gifEarth-square.gif Gravitation = Dark-square.gifEarth-square.gif Gravitation
Level 1 Skillchains
Induration-Icon.gifInduration (B)
Level 3 Skillchains
Level 2 Skillchains
Invisible-square.gifIce-square.gif Induration Invisible-square.gifWater-square.gif Reverberation = Lightning-square.gifWind-square.gif Fragmentation
Level 1 Skillchains
Ice-square.gif Induration Lightning-square.gif Impaction = Lightning-square.gif Impaction
Water-square.gif Reverberation Ice-square.gif Induration = Ice-square.gif Induration
Ice-square.gif Induration Dark-square.gif Compression = Dark-square.gif Compression


  • While Dragoons may obtain skill level 240 earlier than level 71, Impulse Drive must be quested once base skill level 240 (without merits) and job level 71 is reached (requires the ability to wield Spear of Trials).
  • Polearm skill level 240 is obtainable by the following jobs at these corresponding levels:
Job Rating Level
Dragoon A+ 68
Warrior B- 75
Samurai B- 75
Paladin E 87
This article uses material from the "Impulse_Drive" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.