Fire in the Eyes of Men
- Head to Mine Shaft #2716 and check the Shaft Entrance.
- Best access is via the Home Point #1. M-9 (Entrance to Mine Shaft 2716) in Newton Movalpolos. Should have gotten this during COP 5-3.
- If you didn't get the Home Point, you may want to bring a Snow Lily for trading to Tarnotik in Oldton Movalpolos at (K-10) to be warped here.
- Head to Metalworks (Home Point #1) and talk to Cid at H-8.
- Optional: Talk to Cid again right after for a short cutscene.
- Wait until the next game day then talk to Cid again.
Game Description
- Mission Orders
- Travel to the Moblin city of Movalpolos to find a path to the fifth and final mothercrystal.
This article uses material from the "Fire_in_the_Eyes_of_Men" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.