Category:Trust Weapon Skills
This category is for weapon skills unique to Trust NPCs.
The following Alter egos wield unique weapon skills:
- Trust: Aldo
- Trust: D. Shantotto
- Trust: Gadalar
- Trust: Gessho
- Trust: Lion
- Trust: Lion II
- Trust: Luzaf
- Trust: Maat
- Trust: Mayakov
- Trust: Mihli Aliapoh
- Trust: Mnejing
- Trust: Mumor II
- Trust: Naja Salaheem
- Trust: Najelith
- Trust: Nanaa Mihgo
- Trust: Nashmeira
- Trust: Ovjang
- Trust: Prishe
- Trust: Tenzen
- Trust: Zazarg
- Trust: Zeid
This article uses material from the "Category:Trust_Weapon_Skills" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.
Pages in category "Trust Weapon Skills"
The following 58 pages are in this category, out of 58 total.