Category:Fishing Gear
This is a category at the Auction House that contains various items related to the craft of Fishing. See also[edit] |
Item Level Slot Notes Fisherman's Tunica 1 Body Gives Fishing Skill +1 Fisherman's Gloves 1 Hands Gives Fishing Skill +1 Fisherman's Hose 1 Legs Gives Fishing Skill +1 Fisherman's Boots 1 Feet Gives Fishing Skill +1 Fisherman's Apron 1 Body Reduces chances of fishing up items Fisherman's Smock 1 Body Reduces chances of fishing up items Gives Fishing Skill +1
Waders 1 Feet Gives Fishing Skill +2 Fisherman's Belt 1 Waist Enchantment: Fishing Support Angler's Tunica 15 Body Gives Fishing Skill +1 Angler's Gloves 15 Hands Gives Fishing Skill +1 Angler's Hose 15 Legs Gives Fishing Skill +1 Angler's Boots 15 Feet Gives Fishing Skill +1 Albatross Ring 15 Ring Enchantment: Increases stamina while fishing Noddy Ring 15 Ring Fishing Skill (Artisan and above): Reduces chances of fishing up monsters.
Pelican Ring 15 Ring Enchantment: Increases rate at which Fishing Skill is gained Penguin Ring 15 Ring Enchantment: Increases skill at tiring fish Puffin Ring 15 Ring Fishing Skill (Journeyman and above): Increases chances of fishing up large prey.
Seagull Ring 15 Ring Fishing Support: Increases fish stamina reduction Fisher's Torque 81 Neck Gives Fishing Skill +2 Fisher's Rope 85 Waist Angler's Discernment +1
This article uses material from the "Category:Fishing_Gear" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.
Pages in category "Fishing Gear"
The following 61 pages are in this category, out of 61 total.