Category:Empyrean Armor

Empyrean Armor is the third tier of job-specific armors (the other two being Artifact Armor and Relic Armor). Empyrean Armor and Empyrean Weapons may only be found in Abyssea areas. The first piece of armor for each job is available at level 80 (first visible piece at 81), and each piece is both Rare and Exclusive. Visible pieces of this armor may be upgraded by Trial of the Magians.

Note: Most people call AF3 the Empyrean Armors and a few call AF3 the third quest in Artifact Armor quest line (because they were so called long ago, before introducing of Relic Armors - now AF2). Please, don't confuse them.

The level 80 accessories are available in the Vision of Abyssea expansion.
The Head/Legs/Feet armor and level 84 accessories are available in the Scars of Abyssea expansion.
The Body/Hands/Earring are available in the Heroes of Abyssea expansion.

See Summary of seals and item +2 for armor empyrean for a printable log to keep track of collected upgrade items.

For details on upgrading Empyrean Armor to 119 see Reforged Empyrean Armor.

Empyrean Armor by Job[edit]


Item Slot Level Empyrean Drop Area Source
Head 85 Aoidos' Calot / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Misareaux Cruor Prospector
Neck 84 Aoidos' Matinee Abyssea - Vunkerl Sippoy
Body 89 Aoidos' Hongreline / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Uleguerand Dominion Tactician
Hands 87 Aoidos' Manchettes/ +1 / +2 Abyssea - Uleguerand Cruor Prospector
Waist 80 Aoidos' Belt Abyssea - La Theine Megamaw Mikey
Legs 83 Aoidos' Rhingrave / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Misareaux Bastion Prefect
Feet 81 Aoidos' Cothurnes / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Misareaux Gold Sturdy Pyxis
Earring 90 Aoidos' Earring Abyssea - Uleguerand Impervious Chariot
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Item Slot Level Empyrean Drop Area Source
Head 85 Ferine Cabasset / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Misareaux Cruor Prospector
Neck 84 Ferine Necklace Abyssea - Attohwa Yaanei
Body 89 Ferine Gausape / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Uleguerand Dominion Tactician
Hands 87 Ferine Manoplas / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Uleguerand Cruor Prospector
Legs 83 Ferine Quijotes / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Misareaux Bastion Prefect
Feet 81 Ferine Ocreae / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Misareaux Gold Sturdy Pyxis
Back 80 Ferine Mantle Abyssea - Konschtat Raskovnik
Earring 90 Ferine Earring Abyssea - Altepa Battlerigged Chariot
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Black Mage[edit]

Item Slot Level Empyrean Drop Area Source
Head 85 Goetia Petasos / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Attohwa Cruor Prospector
Neck 80 Goetia Chain Abyssea - Konschtat Bakka
Body 89 Goetia Coat / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Altepa Dominion Tactician
Hands 87 Goetia Gloves / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Altepa Cruor Prospector
Legs 83 Goetia Chausses / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Attohwa Bastion Prefect
Feet 81 Goetia Sabots / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Attohwa Gold Sturdy Pyxis
Back 84 Goetia Mantle Abyssea - Misareaux Ironclad Severer
Earring 90 Goetia Earring Abyssea - Altepa Ouzelum
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Blue Mage[edit]

Item Slot Level Empyrean Drop Area Source
Ammo 84 Mavi Tathlum Abyssea - Vunkerl Ironclad Executioner
Head 85 Mavi Kavuk / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Vunkerl Cruor Prospector
Neck 80 Mavi Scarf Abyssea - La Theine Nahn
Body 89 Mavi Mintan / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Grauberg Dominion Tactician
Hands 87 Mavi Bazubands / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Grauberg Cruor Prospector
Legs 83 Mavi Tayt / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Vunkerl Bastion Prefect
Feet 81 Mavi Basmak / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Vunkerl Gold Sturdy Pyxis
Earring 90 Mavi Earring Abyssea - Altepa Koios
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Item Slot Level Empyrean Drop Area Source
Head 85 Navarch's Tricorne / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Vunkerl Cruor Prospector
Neck 80 Navarch's Choker Abyssea - La Theine Piasa
Body 89 Navarch's Frac / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Grauberg Dominion Tactician
Hands 87 Navarch's Gants / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Grauberg Cruor Prospector
Legs 83 Navarch's Culottes / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Vunkerl Bastion Prefect
Feet 81 Navarch's Bottes / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Vunkerl Gold Sturdy Pyxis
Back 84 Navarch's Mantle Abyssea - Misareaux Kutharei
Earring 90 Navarch's Earring Abyssea - Altepa Ansherekh
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Item Slot Level Empyrean Drop Area Source
Ammo 84 Charis Feather Abyssea - Vunkerl Ironclad Executioner
Head 85 Charis Tiara / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Vunkerl Cruor Prospector
Neck 80 Charis Necklace Abyssea - Konschtat Khalamari
Body 89 Charis Casaque / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Grauberg Dominion Tactician
Hands 87 Charis Bangles / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Grauberg Cruor Prospector
Legs 83 Charis Tights / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Vunkerl Bastion Prefect
Feet 81 Charis Toeshoes / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Vunkerl Gold Sturdy Pyxis
Earring 90 Charis Earring Abyssea - Uleguerand Chione
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Dark Knight[edit]

Item Slot Level Empyrean Drop Area Source
Head 85 Bale Burgeonet / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Misareaux Cruor Prospector
Neck 84 Bale Choker Abyssea - Attohwa Smok
Body 89 Bale Cuirass / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Uleguerand Dominion Tactician
Hands 87 Bale Gauntlets / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Uleguerand Cruor Prospector
Waist 80 Bale Belt Abyssea - Tahrongi Manananggal
Legs 83 Bale Flanchard / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Misareaux Bastion Prefect
Feet 81 Bale Sollerets / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Misareaux Gold Sturdy Pyxis
Earring 90 Bale Earring Abyssea - Uleguerand Sisyphus
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Item Slot Level Empyrean Drop Area Source
Head 85 Lancer's Mezail / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Vunkerl Cruor Prospector
Neck 80 Lancer's Torque Abyssea - La Theine Chasmic Hornet
Body 89 Lancer Plackart / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Grauberg Dominion Tactician
Hands 87 Lancer Vambraces / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Grauberg Cruor Prospector
Legs 83 Lancer's Cuissots / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Vunkerl Bastion Prefect
Feet 81 Lancer's Schynbalds / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Vunkerl Gold Sturdy Pyxis
Back 84 Lancer's Pelerine Abyssea - Attohwa Ironclad Cleaver
Earring 90 Lancer's Earring Abyssea - Grauberg Jaculus
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Item Slot Level Empyrean Drop Area Source
Ammo 84 Tantra Tathlum Abyssea - Attohwa Ironclad Cleaver
Head 85 Tantra Crown / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Attohwa Cruor Prospector
Neck 80 Tantra Necklace Abyssea - Tahrongi Cuelebre
Body 89 Tantra Cyclas / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Altepa Dominion Tactician
Hands 87 Tantra Gloves / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Altepa Cruor Prospector
Legs 83 Tantra Hose / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Attohwa Bastion Prefect
Feet 81 Tantra Gaiters / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Attohwa Gold Sturdy Pyxis
Earring 90 Tantra Earring Abyssea - Uleguerand Kur
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Item Slot Level Empyrean Drop Area Source
Head 85 Iga Zukin / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Vunkerl Cruor Prospector
Neck 80 Iga Erimaki Abyssea - Konschtat Gangly Gean
Body 89 Iga Ningi / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Grauberg Dominion Tactician
Hands 87 Iga Tekko / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Grauberg Cruor Prospector
Legs 83 Iga Hakama / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Vunkerl Bastion Prefect
Feet 81 Iga Kyahan / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Vunkerl Gold Sturdy Pyxis
Back 84 Iga Dochugappa Abyssea - Vunkerl Karkadann
Earring 90 Iga Mimikazari Abyssea - Uleguerand Refitted Chariot
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Item Slot Level Empyrean Drop Area Source
Head 85 Creed Armet / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Misareaux Cruor Prospector
Neck 80 Creed Collar Abyssea - Tahrongi Chukwa
Body 89 Creed Cuirass / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Uleguerand Dominion Tactician
Hands 87 Creed Gauntlets / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Uleguerand Cruor Prospector
Waist 84 Creed Baudrier Abyssea - Vunkerl Ironclad Executioner
Legs 83 Creed Cuisses / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Misareaux Bastion Prefect
Feet 81 Creed Sabatons / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Misareaux Gold Sturdy Pyxis
Earring 90 Creed Earring Abyssea - Uleguerand Chione
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Item Slot Level Empyrean Drop Area Source
Head 85 Cirque Cappello / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Vunkerl Cruor Prospector
Neck 80 Cirque Necklace Abyssea - La Theine Keesha Poppo
Body 89 Cirque Farsetto / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Grauberg Dominion Tactician
Hands 87 Cirque Guanti / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Grauberg Cruor Prospector
Waist 84 Cirque Sash Abyssea - Misareaux Ironclad Severer
Legs 83 Cirque Pantaloni / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Vunkerl Bastion Prefect
Feet 81 Cirque Scarpe / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Vunkerl Gold Sturdy Pyxis
Earring 90 Cirque Earring Abyssea - Grauberg Assailer Chariot
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Item Slot Level Empyrean Drop Area Source
Head 85 Sylvan Gapette / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Misareaux Cruor Prospector
Neck 80 Sylvan Scarf Abyssea - Tahrongi Minhocao
Body 89 Sylvan Caban / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Uleguerand Dominion Tactician
Hands 87 Sylvan Glovelettes / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Uleguerand Cruor Prospector
Legs 83 Sylvan Brague / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Misareaux Bastion Prefect
Feet 81 Sylvan Bottillons / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Misareaux Gold Sturdy Pyxis
Back 84 Sylvan Chlamys Abyssea - Attohwa Smok
Earring 90 Sylvan Earring Abyssea - Grauberg Rencounter Chariot
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Red Mage[edit]

Item Slot Level Empyrean Drop Area Source
Head 85 Estoqueur's Chappel / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Attohwa Cruor Prospector
Neck 80 Estoqueur's Collar Abyssea - Tahrongi Adze
Body 89 Estoqueur's Sayon / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Altepa Dominion Tactician
Hands 87 Estoqueur's Gantherots / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Altepa Cruor Prospector
Legs 83 Estoqueur's Fuseau / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Attohwa Bastion Prefect
Feet 81 Estoqueur's Houseaux / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Attohwa Gold Sturdy Pyxis
Back 84 Estoqueur's Cape Abyssea - Attohwa Yaanei
Earring 90 Estoqueur's Earring Abyssea - Grauberg Deelgeed
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Item Slot Level Empyrean Drop Area Source
Head 85 Unkai Kabuto / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Vunkerl Cruor Prospector
Neck 80 Unkai Nodowa Abyssea - Tahrongi Mictlantecuhtli
Body 89 Unkai Domaru / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Grauberg Dominion Tactician
Hands 87 Unkai Kote / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Grauberg Cruor Prospector
Legs 83 Unkai Haidate / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Vunkerl Bastion Prefect
Feet 81 Unkai Sune-Ate / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Vunkerl Gold Sturdy Pyxis
Back 84 Unkai Sugemino Abyssea - Misareaux Ironclad Pulverizer
Earring 90 Unkai Mimikazari Abyssea - Altepa Hazhdiha
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Item Slot Level Empyrean Drop Area Source
Ammo 80 Savant's Treatise Abyssea - Konschtat Guimauve
Head 85 Savant's Bonnet / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Vunkerl Cruor Prospector
Neck 84 Savant's Chain Abyssea - Misareaux Ironclad Pulverizer
Body 89 Savant's Gown / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Grauberg Dominion Tactician
Hands 87 Savant's Bracers / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Grauberg Cruor Prospector
Legs 83 Savant's Pants / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Vunkerl Bastion Prefect
Feet 81 Savant's Loafers / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Vunkerl Gold Sturdy Pyxis
Earring 90 Savant's Earring Abyssea - Altepa Koios
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Item Slot Level Empyrean Drop Area Source
Head 85 Caller's Horn / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Vunkerl Cruor Prospector
Neck 84 Caller's Pendant Abyssea - Misareaux Ironclad Severer
Body 89 Caller's Doublet / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Grauberg Dominion Tactician
Hands 87 Caller's Bracers / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Grauberg Cruor Prospector
Waist 80 Caller's Sash Abyssea - Konschtat Tonberry Lieje
Legs 83 Caller's Spats / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Vunkerl Bastion Prefect
Feet 81 Caller's Pigaches / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Vunkerl Gold Sturdy Pyxis
Earring 90 Caller's Earring Abyssea - Uleguerand Awahondo
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Item Slot Level Empyrean Drop Area Source
Ranged 84 Raider's Boomerang Abyssea - Misareaux Kutharei
Head 85 Raider's Bonnet / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Attohwa Cruor Prospector
Body 89 Raider's Vest / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Altepa Dominion Tactician
Hands 87 Raider's Armlets / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Altepa Cruor Prospector
Waist 80 Raider's Belt Abyssea - La Theine Irrlicht
Legs 83 Raider's Culottes /+1 / +2 Abyssea - Attohwa Bastion Prefect
Feet 81 Raider's Poulaines / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Attohwa Gold Sturdy Pyxis
Earring 90 Raider's Earring Abyssea - Grauberg Melo Melo
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Item Slot Level Empyrean Drop Area Source
Ammo 84 Ravager's Orb Abyssea - Vunkerl Sippoy
Head 85 Ravager's Mask / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Attohwa Cruor Prospector
Neck 80 Ravager's Gorget Abyssea - Konschtat Balaur
Body 89 Ravager's Lorica / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Altepa Dominion Tactician
Hands 87 Ravager's Mufflers / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Altepa Cruor Prospector
Legs 83 Ravager's Cuisses / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Attohwa Bastion Prefect
Feet 81 Ravager's Calligae / +1 /+2 Abyssea - Attohwa Gold Sturdy Pyxis
Earring 90 Ravager's Earring Abyssea - Grauberg Gamayun
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White Mage[edit]

Item Slot Level Empyrean Drop Area Source
Head 85 Orison Cap / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Attohwa Cruor Prospector
Neck 84 Orison Locket Abyssea - Vunkerl Karkadann
Body 89 Orison Bliaud / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Altepa Dominion Tactician
Hands 87 Orison Mitts / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Altepa Cruor Prospector
Legs 83 Orison Pantaloons / +1 / +2 Abyssea - Attohwa Bastion Prefect
Feet 81 Orison Duckbills / +1 +2 Abyssea - Attohwa Gold Sturdy Pyxis
Back 80 Orison Cape Abyssea - La Theine Mangy-tailed Marvin
Earring 90 Orison Earring Abyssea - Altepa Long-Barreled Chariot
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By Area/NM[edit]

Job seals Abyssea - Attohwa (Head seals) Abyssea - Misareaux (Leg seals) Abyssea - Vunkerl (Feet seals)
NM Names Pop Items Pos NM Names Pop Items Pos NM Names Pop Items Pos
BLM/BRD/SMN/PUP Aggressor Antlion Timed spawn E-8 Funereal Apkallu Apkallu Down H-7 Gnawtooth Gary High-Quality Rabbit Hide F-12
BLM/DRK/NIN/PUP Blazing Eruca Eruca Egg J-10 Nonno Worm-Eaten Bud L-11 Lord Varney Timed spawn H-10
BST/RNG/SMN/BLU Kharon Bone Chips F-7 Tuskertrap Spotted Flyfrond G-4 Hrosshvalur Timed spawn J-6
BST/SMN/COR/PUP Mielikki Great Root K-8 Flame Skimmer Timed spawn G-5 Dvalinn Dented Skull D-11
MNK/BRD/DRG/SCH Gaizkin Undying Ooze H-8 Avalerion Mocking Beak H-8 Hanuman Timed spawn H-7
MNK/PLD/NIN/COR Amun Timed spawn H-8/9 Minax Bugard Bewitching Tusk K-11 Pascerpot Crawler Floatstone G-12
MNK/THF/NIN/DNC Berstuk Extended Eyestalk F/G-9 Athamas Timed spawn J-7 Iku-Turso Moonbeam Clam J-7
PLD/BRD/RNG/BLU Nightshade Withered Bud K-8/9 Asanbosam Timed spawn G-8/9 Kadraeth the Hatespawn Stiffened Tentacle E-10
RDM/BST/RNG/SCH Warbler Timed spawn E-7 Sirrush Handful of molt scraps J-11 Seps Opaque Wing G-13
RDM/THF/PLD/SAM Pallid Percy Blanched Silver J-7/8 Nehebkau Hardened Raptor Skin I-11 Iktomi Timed spawn I-11
WAR/DRK/SAM/DRG Kampe Gory Pincer F-10 Heqet Timed spawn I-6 Khalkotaur Gnarled Taurus Horn G-10
WAR/THF/DRG/DNC Gieremund Timed spawn F-6/7 Manohra Avian Remex H-9 Armillaria Shockshroom F-7
WAR/WHM/COR/DNC Granite Borer Withered Cocoon K-10 Npfundlwa Black Rabbit Tail J-8 Div-e Sepid Timed spawn E-11
WHM/BLM/RDM/SCH Wherwetrice Mangled Cockatrice Skin I-8 Gukumatz Timed spawn J-11 Quasimodo Gargouille Stone G-11
WHM/DRK/SAM/BLU Whiro Timed spawn K-7 Cep-Kamuy Orobon Cheekmeat F-4 Chhir Batti Djinn Ashes F-6
Job seals Abyssea - Altepa (Hand seals) Abyssea - Grauberg (Hand seals) Abyssea - Uleguerand (Hand seals)
NM Names Pop Items Pos NM Names Pop Items Pos NM Names Pop Items Pos
BLM/BRD/SMN/PUP Teekesselchen Bubbling Oil I-5
BST/SMN/COR/PUP Chillwing Hwitti Imp Sentry's Horn E-9
BST/RNG/SMN/BLU Bugol Noz Sabulous Clay E-10
MNK/PLD/NIN/COR Lorelei Fay Teardrop F-6
MNK/THF/NIN/DNC Audumbla High-Quality Buffalo Horn J-10
MNK/BRD/DRG/SCH Vadleany Ladybird Leaf H-7
PLD/BRD/RNG/BLU Upas-Kamuy Gelid Arm G-5
RDM/BST/RNG/SCH Xibalba Decaying Molar C-8
RDM/THF/PLD/SAM Chickcharney High-quality Cockatrice Skin I-9
WAR/DRK/SAM/DRG Veri Selen Ice Wyvern Scale H-5
WAR/THF/DRG/DNC Ika-Roa High-Quality Pugil Scale H-10
WAR/WHM/COR/DNC Tablilla Sandy Shard C-11
WHM/BLM/RDM/SCH Koghatu Helical Gear G-8
WHM/DRK/SAM/BLU Minaruja Pursuer's Wing I-9/10
DRK/NIN/BLM/PUP Sharabha Sand-caked fang G-5
Job seals Abyssea - Altepa (Body seals) Abyssea - Grauberg (Body seals) Abyssea - Uleguerand (Body seals)
NM Names Pop Items Pos NM Names Pop Items Pos NM Names Pop Items Pos
DRG/THF/WHM/RNG Shaula Vadleany Fluid, High-Quality Scorpion Claw H-5
MNK/BST/PUP/DNC Ironclad Triturator Bevel Gear, Gear Fluid H-8
COR/SCH/PUP/RDM Bomblix Flamefinger Goblin Oil, Goblin Gunpowder middle of J-11/K-11 border
PLD/BLM/DNC/COR Amarok (body) High-Quality Dhalmel Hide, Sharabha Hide, and Tiger King's Hide E-6
BLM/DRG/COR/SAM Chione (body) Colorful Demilune Abyssite T2 VNM
WAR/WHM/SAM/BLU Ningishzida (body) High-Quality Wivre Hide, Jaculus Wing, Minaruja Skull I-7/I-8
DRK/NIN/SCH/SAM Ironclad Smiter (body) Smoldering Arm, Tablilla Mercury D-12 top
PLD/BRD/RNG/THF Blanga (body) Rimed Wing, Benumbed Eye D-9
SMN/BRD/THF/MNK Gamayun (body) Colorful Demilune Abyssite T2 VNM
WAR/BST/PUP/SMN Koios (body) Colorful Demilune Abyssite T2 VNM
NIN/SMN/RDM/WHM Yaguarogui (body) Audumbla Hide, High-Quality Black Tiger Hide K-11
DRG/BLM/NIN/DRK Teugghia Unseelie Eye, Naiad's Lock F/G-5
MNK/RDM/BLU/BRD Emperador de Altepa Oasis Water, Giant Mistletoe F-11
WAR/BLU/DRK/SCH Dhorme Khimaira Snow God Core, Sisyphus Fragment, High-Quality Marid Hide G-7
DNC/PLD/BST/RNG Ironclad Sunderer Teekesselchen Fragment, Darkflame Arm J-6
This article uses material from the "Category:Empyrean_Armor" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.

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