Abyssea - La Theine

Table of Contents
Zone Information
Area Name Abyssea - La Theine
Type Outdoor
Map Acquisition Purchase
Region Abyssea
Expansion Vision of Abyssea
Requirements Rise of the Zilart, Wings of the Goddess, Vision of Abyssea
Restrictions Cannot call Adventuring Fellow or Chocobo
Background music Abyssea - Scarlet Skies, Shadowed Plains
Monstrosity Not applicable
Notes Tractor will cause player to lose Visitant Status
Base Camp at (E-3)
Central Camp at (H-7)
Southeastern Camp at (L-11)

Once an idyllic plateau, this area has been twisted into a hellish nightmare of its former self by the unrelenting Abyssean hordes. What San d'Orian survivors there are now hide in the various alcoves scattered throughout the plateau.


La Theine Plateau: via Cavernous Maw (D-4).

Involved in Quests/Missions[edit]

Quest Fame Starter Location Rewards Type
  A Goldstruck Gigas 1 Ragemont La Theine Plateau Varies General
  Refuel and Replenish (La Theine) 1 Machine Outfitter Main Encampment (E-3) Cruor General-Repeatable
  Catering Capers 1 Regine Main Encampment (E-3) Cruor General-Repeatable
  Fear of the Dark III 1 Secodiand Main Encampment (E-3) Cruor General-Repeatable
  Gift of Light 1 Amaura Main Encampment (E-3) Cruor/Hi-Reraiser General-Repeatable
  Unbreak His Heart 1 Joulet Central Encampment (H-7) Cruor General-Repeatable
  The Angling Armorer 1 Exoroche Central Encampment (H-7) Cruor General-Repeatable
  A Mightier Martello (La Theine) 3 Machine Outfitter Main Encampment (E-3) Cruor General-Repeatable
  Explosive Endeavors 3 Fontoumant Central Encampment (H-7) Cruor General-Repeatable
  Water of Life 4 Miageau Southern Encampment (L-11) Cruor/Evolith General-Repeatable
  Lost Memories 5 Halver Southern Encampment (L-11) Cruor/Key ItemVial of Lambent Potion General-Repeatable
  An Eye for Revenge 5 Curilla Main Encampment (E-3) Key ItemScarlet Abyssite of Furtherance General
  Out of Touch 6 Glenne Southern Encampment (L-11) Key ItemScarlet Abyssite of Kismet General


  • Refuel and Replenish quests are not counted as a quest in regards to the Abyssea objective: Complete All Quests.
  • See Reputation for details regarding fame.
  • See the Quick Reputation Guide for details on building fame posthaste.

Other Information[edit]

Item Abundance
Ash Log Uncommon(10.8%)
Arrowwood Log Rare(6.9%)
Beech Log Rare(9.8%)
Dogwood Log Rare(5.9%)
Fruit Seeds Uncommon(11.8%)
Oak Log Rare(5.9%)
Plateau Chestnut Common(19.6%)
Teak Log Uncommon(12.7%)
Walnut Log Uncommon(11.8%)
Fish Cap Body of Water
Crayfish 7 All
Moat Carp 11
Giant Catfish 31
Dorado Gar ???
Blowfish 37
Pelazoea <78
Crocodilos >109 Large Body of Water @ (H-7) near Conflux 4
Rusty Kunai 0
Rusty Spear 0
Rusty Shield 0
Gold Pyxis
Jeweled Collar Augmented (Can contain up to 2)
Rasetsu Jinpachi Augmented (Can contain up to 2)
Tarutaru Sash Augmented (Can contain up to 2)
Aisha: Ichi
Dragon Heart
Army's Paeon VI
Aspir II
Foe Requiem VII
Knight's Minne V
Protect V
Stone V
Water V
Buffalo Meat
Coeurl Meat
Dragon Meat
Durium Ore
Earth Ore
Ebony Log
Khroma Ore
Lacquer Tree Log
Orichalcum Ore
Phrygian Ore
Star Sapphire
Giant Agaricus Mushroom
Water Ore
Gargantuan Black Tiger Fang Rare
Bug-eaten Hat Rare
Key ItemMarbled Mutton Chop
Key ItemBloodied saber tooth
Key ItemBlood-Smeared Gigas Helm
Key ItemPellucid Fly Eye
Key ItemShimmering Pixie Pinion
Key ItemWarped Gigas Armband
Key ItemSevered Gigas Collar
Key ItemDented Gigas Shield
Key ItemGlittering Pixie Choker

NPCs Found Here[edit]

Name Location Type
Aaveleon J-9 Patrol
Amaura E-3 Quest NPC
Atma Infusionist E-3 Atma Infusionist
Callort E-4
Conflux Surveyor E-3 Conflux Surveyor
Cruor Prospector E-3 Cruor Prospector
Curilla E-4 Quest NPC
Danngogg E-4
Daveille E-4
Exoroche H-7 Quest NPC
Fontoumant H-7 Quest NPC
Fulchia E-4
Gallijaux L-11
Glenne L-11 Quest NPC
Guilerme E-3 Goal Tracker
Halver L-11 Quest NPC
Joulet H-7 Quest NPC
Louis E-4
Machine Outfitter E-3 Machine Outfitter
Miageau L-11 Quest NPC
Namonutice E-3 Reputation NPC
Regine E-3 Quest NPC
Rugiette H-7
Secodiand E-3 Quest NPC
Simmie E-3
Shomo Pochachilo H-7
Ufanne H-7
Veridical Conflux #01 E-3 Teleport
Veridical Conflux #02 D-8 Teleport
Veridical Conflux #03 G-8 Teleport
Veridical Conflux #04 H-7 Teleport
Veridical Conflux #05 I-10 Teleport
Veridical Conflux #06 L-11 Teleport
Veridical Conflux #07 K-6 Teleport
Veridical Conflux #08 I-9 Teleport

Notorious Monsters Found Here[edit]

Name Level Drops Steal Family Spawns Notes
Unknown Unknown Avatars

Spawned by trading Trophy Shield to ??? @ (C-4)
Unknown Nifty Mantle
Temporary Key Item Dented Gigas Shield

Baba Yaga
Spawned by trading Piceous Scale to ??? @ (H-7)
Unknown Aristo Belt
Temporary Key Item Shimmering Pixie Pinion

Spawned by clicking ??? @ (G-6) with key items
Dented Gigas Shield, Warped Gigas Armband,
and Severed Gigas Collar
Unknown Hakke Hachimaki
Inmicus Cuisses
Helm Of Briareus
Briareus's Sash
Stone of Voyage
Jewel of Voyage
Temporary Key Item Blood-Smeared Gigas Helm
Key Item Atma of the Stout Arm

Zone Boss

Spawned by clicking ??? @ (H-7) with key items
Pellucid Fly Eye and Shimmering Pixie Pinion
Unknown Afflictors
Ryoshi Hachimaki
Teutates Subligar
Coin of Voyage
Card of Voyage
Carabosse's Gem
Temporary Key Item Glittering Pixie Choker
Key Item Atma of Allure

Chasmic Hornet
Located @ (F-8)
Unknown Terebellum Mantle
Lancer's Torque
Chasmic Stinger
Key Item Scarlet Abyssite of Perspicacity

A, T(S)

Dozing Dorian
Spawned by trading Dried Chigoe to ??? @ (L-6)
Unknown Ultion Mantle
Key Item Atma of the Ebon Hoof

Spawned by trading Massive Armband to ??? @ (F-10)
Unknown Cognition Belt
Temporary Key Item Severed Gigas Collar

Clicking ??? at K-8 with key items Marbled Mutton Chop, Glittering Pixie Choker, Blood-Smeared Gigas Helm and Bloodied saber tooth
Unknown Matre Bragezenn
Harmony Cape
Timarli Dastanas
Key Item Atma of the Lion

Located around (G-9) - (H-9)
Unknown Raider's Belt
Symbios Gloves

Spawned by fishing with Dried Squid as bait and key item Smoldering Crab Shell
Unknown Nusku's Sash
Shitotsu Hachimaki
Jewel of Voyage
Key Item Atma of the Twin Claw

Keesha Poppo
Located @ (L-7)
Unknown Keesha Poppo's pamama
Cirque Necklace
Susurrus Sabatons

A, S

La Theine Liege
Spawned by trading Transparent Insect Wing to ??? @ (I-7)
Unknown Sharpeye Mantle
Temporary Key Item Pellucid Fly Eye

Spawned by trading Filthy Gnole Claw to ??? @ (G-11)
Unknown Poise Shoes
Key Item Atma of the Baying Moon

Mangy-tailed Marvin
Located @ (D-6)
Unknown Adler Ring
Orison Cape
Marvin's Pelage
Key Item Scarlet Abyssite of Lenity

A, T(S)

Megamaw Mikey
Located @ (L-7)
Unknown Aoidos' Belt
Plaga Scythe
Mikey's Silver Nugget
Key Item Atma of Tremors

A, L, T(H)Verification Needed

Spawned by trading Gargantuan Black Tiger Fang to ??? @ (C-7)
Unknown Tumbler Trunks
Temporary Key Item Bloodied saber tooth
Key Item Atma of the Savage Tiger

Fished from pond @ (H-7) or (L-10)
Unknown Mavi Scarf
Temporary Key Item Smoldering Crab Shell


Unknown Bullwhip Belt
Shaolin Belt
Augur's Jaseran
Yovra Organ
Card of Voyage
Stone of Voyage
Temporary Key Item Scarlet Abyssite of Sojourn
Permanent Key Item Atma of the Heavens

Spawned by trading Winter Puk Egg to ??? @ (J-11)
Unknown Ruffian Leggings Puks

Spawned by trading Oversized Sock to ??? @ (F-7)
Unknown Arctier's Torque
Temporary Key Item Warped Gigas Armband

Located @ (E-7)
Unknown Navarch's Choker
Seigneur Shield

A, T(S)

Poroggo Dom Juan
Spawned by trading Bug-eaten Hat to ??? @ (J-11)
Unknown Barcarolle Medal
Dried Squid

Toppling Tuber
Spawned by trading Giant Agaricus Mushroom to ??? @ (F-7)
Unknown Cognizant Belt Funguars

Trudging Thomas
Spawned by trading Raw Mutton Chop to ??? @ (J-8)
Unknown Fortis Mantle
Key Item Marbled Mutton Chop

Voidwalker NM's
Spawned by resting with a Key ItemClear Demilune Abyssite
Unknown Key ItemColorful Demilune Abyssite Seethers


Spawned by resting with a Key ItemColorful Demilune Abyssite
Unknown Serpentes Sabots
Libeccio Mantle
Key ItemScarlet Demilune Abyssite


Spawned by resting with a Key ItemScarlet Demilune Abyssite
Unknown Hochomasamune
Kensho Hachimaki
Heafoc Mitts
Stone of Voyage
Card of Voyage
Key Item Atma of Eternity


A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants
Common Enemies Notorious Monsters
Hammering Ram
Raw Mutton Chop*
Trudging Thomas
Marbled Mutton Chop
Angler Tiger
Gargantuan Black Tiger Fang*
Bloodied Saber Tooth
Bathyal Gigas
Trophy Shield*
Dented Gigas Shield
Quest NM
Blood-Smeared Gigas Helm
Hadal Gigas
Oversized Sock*
Warped Gigas Armband
Demersal Gigas
Massive Armband*
Severed Gigas Collar
Plateau Glider
Transparent Insect Wing*
La Theine Liege
Pellucid Fly Eye
Glittering Pixie Choker
Piceous Scale*
Baba Yaga
Shimmering Pixie Pinion

Items marked with a * can be bought on the Auction House.
Items in italics are key items that can drop from the NM.

Regular Monsters Found Here[edit]

Name Level Drops Steal Family Spawns Notes
74-84 Forbidden Key Toads 23 L, H
Ephemeral Limule
74-87 Limule Pincer
Limule 13 A, L
Crepuscule Puk
74-88 Puk Egg
Puk Wing
Winter Puk Egg
Despoil : Puk Egg Puks 22 A, S, H
75-80 Bird Egg
Bird Feather
Forbidden Key
Birds 21 L, H
Veld Clionid
75-83 Clionid Wing
Clionid Wing Clionidae 46 A, HP
Sentinel Crab
Caught by fishing
75-?? Crab Shell
Land Crab Meat
Rusty Shield
Crabs 1 A, H
77-85 Forbidden Key Corpselights 21 A, H, HP
Angler Tiger
78-82 Black Tiger Fang
Gargantuan Black Tiger Fang
Tiger Hide
Tigers 18 A, S, Sc
Brae Opo-Opo
78-82 Pamamas
Opo-opo 19 L, S, Sc
78-82 Agaricus
Giant Agarious Mushroom
Funguars 11
78-82 Limule Pincer Limule Pincer Limule 47 A, L, H
Great Wasp
78-82 Beehive Chip
Giant Stinger
Insect Wing
Bees 22 A, S, Sc
Hadal Gigas
78-82 Gigas Necklace
Gigas Socks
Oversized Sock
Gigas 19 A, L, S
Hammering Ram
78-82 Lanolin Cube
Ram Horn
Raw Mutton Chop
Ram Skin
Rams 22
78-82 Filthy Gnole Claw
Gnole Claw
Gnoles 23 A, S
Poroggo Seducteur
78-82 Bug-eaten Hat Poroggos 17 A, L, H, S
Demersal Gigas
78-90 Gigas Necklace
Gigas Socks
Massive Armband
Gigas 19 A, L, S
Bathyal Gigas
79-90 Gigas Necklace
Gigas Socks
Trophy Shield
Despoil: Wool Cloth Gigas 19 A, L, S
Ephemeral Clionid
80-87 Clionid Wing Clionidae 13 A, M
Plateau Glider
80-90 Insect Wing
Transparent Insect Wing
Flies 16 L
Pasture Funguar
82-87 Forbidden Key
Funguars 10 L, H
Black Merino
82-89 Dried Chigoe
Karakul Meat
Karakul Skin
Despoil: Sheep Tooth Sheep 20 L, Sc, Z(N)
Plateau Hare
82-89 Forbidden Key
Hare Meat
Rabbit Hide
Rabbits 19 L
Irate Sheep
83-90 Forbidden Key
Giant Sheep Meat
Sheep Tooth
Sheep 25 L
85-90 Lambent Scale
Piceous Scale
Pixies 20
Rock Grinder
89-90 Flint Stone
Forbidden Key
Platinum Ore
Silver Ore
Zinc Ore
Worms 22 L
Sturdy Pyxis
Mimics 4 A, T(S), T(H)
A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants
This article uses material from the "Abyssea_-_La_Theine" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.