??? Earring

Unknown Earring.jpg


??? Earring
This earring looks just like any other
old earring to you.

Stackable: Not Stackable

Other Uses[edit]

Used in Quest: Appraisal

Resale Price: Cannot be sold to NPCs.

Synthesis Recipes[edit]


Used in Recipes[edit]

  • None

Desynthesis Recipe[edit]


Obtained From Desynthesis[edit]

  • None

How to Obtain[edit]

Cannot be sold on the Auction House or delivered, but can be traded and bazaared.


Note: Darker background denotes the unique appraisal for this area.

Assault Mission Appraisal Result Probability
Apkallu Breeding Bone Earring Extremely Common
Beetle Earring Somewhat Common
Shell Earring Somewhat Common
Elusive Earring Somewhat Rare
Silver Earring Somewhat Rare
Magnifying Earring Extremely Rare
Azure Ailments Bone Earring Extremely Common
Beetle Earring Somewhat Common
Shell Earring Somewhat Common
Silver Earring Somewhat Rare
Eta Earring Extremely Rare
Desperately Seeking Cephalopods Shell Earring Somewhat Common
Silver Earring Somewhat Rare
Gamma Earring Extremely Rare
Excavation Duty Bone Earring Extremely Common
Beetle Earring Somewhat Common
Shell Earring Somewhat Common
Silver Earring Somewhat Rare
Reraise Earring Somewhat Rare
Storm Loop Extremely Rare
Golden Salvage Bone Earring Somewhat Common
Beetle Earring Somewhat Common
Shell Earring Extremely Common
Silver Earring Somewhat Rare
Heims Earring Somewhat Rare
Storm Earring Extremely Rare
Operation: Black Pearl Beetle Earring Somewhat Common
Shell Earring Somewhat Common
Epsilon Earring Extremely Rare
Red Versus Blue Bone Earring Somewhat Common
Beetle Earring Somewhat Common
Shell Earring Extremely Common
Silver Earring Somewhat Rare
Sigma Earring Extremely Rare
Wake the Puppet Beetle Earring Somewhat Common
Silver Earring Somewhat Rare
Beta Earring Extremely Rare
This article uses material from the "%3F%3F%3F_Earring" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.